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True or False: Burnout is impossible if you love what you do?



As someone who’s been actively recovering from severe burnout since June, I can tell you that sometimes recovery feels even harder than the burnout itself.
My burnout was extreme. While I’m incredibly proud of what I built in such a short time and the success I achieved in our first year, it came at a cost.
I was the LAST person who thought I’d burn out. I loved what I did so much, and being an entrepreneur felt like I had embodied who I was always waiting to be. It became my entire identity. That’s where I went wrong.
Everything else that made me, me, slipped away. So when it came time to dig deep into my own confidence, self-worth, trust, patience… I had none.
Add to that the challenge of an inherently difficult industry, one that I’ve learned often doesn’t align with my values, and it became a perfect storm for utter mental health destruction.
If you start experiencing these signs, the best thing you can do for yourself and your business is to handle it immediately. Start researching what burnout (and compassion fatigue) looks like and how YOU can nip it in the bud before it escalates. PS, there’s a lot more signs than just these 3, but these resonated the most so I used them!
Remember: prevention is easier than cure.
If you’re experiencing all three signs of burnout it’s time to talk to a professional. But if you notice even one creeping up, here’s what you can do right away:
  • Set Boundaries: Protect your time and energy by saying no to extra tasks. If your schedule is already full, don’t take on additional work out of guilt or worse, “FOMO”. Politely decline by saying something like, “I’d love to help, but my current workload won’t allow me to give this the attention it deserves.” Remember, what’s meant for you can NEVER miss you.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Take breaks, get fresh air, and practice mindfulness daily.Schedule small breaks throughout the day to recharge. Take a 10-minute walk outside, practice deep breathing, or spend 5 minutes meditating to regain focus and calm. Also, get a hobby!
  • Delegate: Share the load. Ask for help or outsource tasks to lighten the pressure. If you’re overloaded, identify tasks that can be passed on to others. For example, delegate administrative work to a virtual assistant or hire a freelancer to handle time-consuming tasks. I know this came seem hard for most new budding entrepreneurs who may not have the cash flow but this is a ‘cost’, it’s an investment. Not only in your business but more importantly, in yourself. Start with 1 day a week or research reputable overseas VA’s (there are incredible virtual assistants with skill sets that far supercede what even YOU can do – trust me!) that can help find something within your budget. It’s a non-negotiable if you want to grow your business.
I am thinking of recording a series on S3 of the new podcast all about this topic, let me know if you’re interested in diving into this more!

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